Make Money for Your College Fund or Local PTA!

A donation from every service goes in your pocket – start making money today.

Helping the causes that mean the most in every community.

Unlike other lawn service platforms, Wemow gives back to local PTAs and college funds so our customers can get more out of the services they’re already paying for.

With Wemow, our customers can contribute a portion of their bill straight to a cause of their choice – helping organizations and people like you get the funding they need!Once a customer signs up they’ll have an opportunity to select up to 2 causes to contribute to and then the magic happens automatically. 


Wemow Gives Back To:

PTA Organizations

We believe in giving back to the organizations that support education, recreational sports, fundraising, non-profit events and more. That’s why we give back to local Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) so our communities and future generations can continue making a positive impact. 

  • $1 contributed on each completed service
  • Donations made in your name
  • Give back to up to 2 causes

College Funds

Are you a parent looking for a way to grow your child’s college fund? The Wemow Gives Back program lets customers everywhere contribute to individuals looking to invest in their future education! Get your children started on the path towards accomplishing their dreams with Wemow.

  • $1 contributed on each completed service
  • Donations made in your name
  • Give back to up to 2 causes


Getting Paid & Building Your Wemow Network is Easy

The Wemow Marketing Toolkit

Need to get the word out about the amazing things your cause is doing? The Wemow Marketing Toolkit is a free resource for affiliates who are looking to spread awareness and reach more people in their communities. 

Not only will we help you get the word out, the Wemow app lets you automatically track your sign-ups with unique affiliate IDs so you can maximize your marketing efforts and get even more contributions coming your way!

  • Easy To Use Email Marketing
  • Templates For Printable Flyers, Business Cards & More
  • Automatic Referral & Affiliate ID Tracking

Grow Your Community Cause

Sign-up to become a Wemow affiliate and get connected to neighbors and businesses in your community that want to see your cause grow!